Saturday, March 19, 2011


*heart- the pumping organ
*blood-transports Oxygen and nutrients
*blood vessels- passageways

-main organ of the cvs
-size of your fist


Systole- heart contracts
Diastole- relaxation phase

Anastomoses- enable the heart to constantly receive a rich supply of blood

Autorhytmicity- the unique ability of the heart to contract on its own
Inotropism-causes the increase in heart rate


  • orbit- houses and protects the eyeball
  • lacrimal apparatus- stores tears
  • lacrimal gland-transports tears
  • conjunctiva-lines the exposed surface of the eyeball
  • aqeous humor-bathes the iris, pupil and lens
  • vitreous humor- occupies the entire eye cavity behind the lens
  • eyeball
  1. sclera- contains the cornea- allows light to pass through
  2. choroid-contains iris-is a sphincter-contains pupil- the opening
  3. retina- contains rods- active in dim light- contains cones-activ in bright light-contains the lens- controlled by the ciliary muscle

sense of hearing

The sense of hearing

In this week I have learned one of our sense organ the ears. Ear is the one responsible for hearing and maintaining our sense of balance. It is divide into three main structures namely external ear, middle ear and inner ear. External ear contains the auricle, the external auditory meatus and the tympanic membrane. The middle ear/ tympanic cavity contains the ossicles named as the malleus, incus and stapes, and the Eustachian tube. The inner ear/ labyrinth has three areas namely cochlea, vestibule chamber and the semicircular canals.